Election Day Action

The important thing about election day is that we all commit do doing something,. There are several ways that we all can help ensure a fair election.


Observers are appointed by a political party, or by a consortium of independents. The position is quite flexible. You have can be present at your assigned precinct anytime from poll opening to closing, but you don’t have to stay all day. Training is provided but essentially, you are simply observing. It is likely you will be asked to be present at opening and closing. You may be asked to follow the precinct captain with the electronic ballot from the precinct to the central tabulator To get involved, you should
POLLWORKER   (Ohio Pollworkers for Democracy Reference Page)

Pollworkers for Democracy (P4D) will offer training to ensure you understand the laws, regulations, and opportunities to ensure a fair election in your precinct.
 This is a paid position. You must work in your county of residence.
 To get involved, you should  You can receive additional training by working with P4D… [email protected]


EP workers will be present at the polls, armed with information to help voters who are refused access due to the new ID requirement and other reasons, or are forced to vote by provisional ballot. They generally work with lawyers to try and solve problems on the spot. Contact PFAW [email protected]
866-OUR-VOTE is the voter assistance hotline operated by Election Protection (which is convened by the Lawyers' Committee, NAACP, People For the American Way at the national level and we welcome as many additional national, state, and local organizations as possible). The hotline is live now and will be answered by legal volunteers. The data collected will be made available to Election Protection coalition partners (only the nature of the incident is made available, not the specific voter information).


In 2000 and 2004, we saw our democracy plagued by long lines, eligible voters turned away, voter intimidation, misallocation and malfunctioning of voting equipment. The story was eventually told days and weeks later, only after it was too late. This November, this will all change, as we “Video the Vote”--a virtual team of everyday Americans dispatched to capture problems with the vote as they happen, and
pushing them through the media on Election Day. To participate, all you need is a video camera, a cell phone, and the ability to get to a problem polling place Election Day, should something happen. No
camera? You can still volunteer to help dispatch videographers or with logistics. Democracy only works when people have free and fair access to the vote, and together, we can make sure that it does. Join us
today:  http://www.videothevote.org    or contact Melissa Giraud at [email protected] .


During this election season, Verified Voting is launching our Election Transparency Project - an ongoing non-partisan effort designed to provide citizens with tools to evaluate existing levels of transparency and to engage in observation of, and reporting on, every part of the electoral process, from registration of voters to certification of the results.  See

We are trying to incorporate parts of this project into our Observer and other programs, but there is no one in Ohio to take the lead. It's up to you.