Columbus Election Reform Lobby Day

On Friday, we invited you to our May 24th Columbus Election Reform Lobby Day in support of better elections in Ohio.  We've set an ambitious goal of turning out 100 "citizen lobbyists" in partnership with our coalition allies, including 20 Common Cause citizen lobbyists.  Together, we will deliver a clear message to lawmakers in Columbus: Rhetoric won't do -- we want real election reform now!  Please join us on Tuesday, May 24th from 10:30am to 4pm for an Election Reform Lobby Day in Columbus:

Our success on May 24th is in your hands.  This year's changes to the election system, including rules for provisional ballots and ID requirements, will be finalized by the Legislature in the coming weeks.  Thus far, public input at hearings has drawn attention from the media and we must keep up the pressure to make sure that lawmakers understand that voters care about improving elections.

If this is your first lobby day, don't worry.  We will provide you with all the instructions and suggestions you need to be an effective citizen lobbyist.

The Columbus lobby day is in tandem with our national lobby day in support of the paper trail requirement in Washington, DC on June 9-10.  But you don't have to come to the nation's capitol to have an effect on your government.  It is critical that you let Ohio lawmakers know you care about elections that are accessible and that foster public trust.

Please use our  registration form to sign up for the May 24th Election Reform Lobby Day in Columbus and help us meet our goal of 20 Common Cause citizen lobbyists.  Once you register, we will confirm your participation, answer any questions you have and arrange a meeting with your state senator's office.  For background and testimony on the issues, please visit  our website .  We hope you can join us for an exciting day of advocating for real reform in Ohio.

Thank you for all you do for Common Cause in the Buckeye State.


Lisa, Sibley and Barb
The Common Cause Ohio Team