Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections
Dedicated to secure, reliable and voter verifiable elections in Ohio !

Urgent Action! Take Action Now

Old Glory


Things you can do to help secure an honest 2004 election in Ohio. Choose as many as you can!

1. Sign up to be a vote recount observer. Contact the Green Party at

2. If you experienced vote-hopping (tried to vote for Kerry, but it registered for Bush), especially in Franklin and Mahoning counties, contact Susan Truitt, co-founder of CASE. She is seeking potential plaintiffs for a lawsuit. [email protected]

Case Rally, picket of Blackwell??

3. Report any voting irregularities you witnessed or experienced to 1-866 OUR VOTE.

4. Tell Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to stop delaying the official vote count, support a recount, and recuse himself from the recount process. (Urge him to resign while you're at it.) 1-877-767-6446

5. Demand an independent audit of election results and independent testing of DRE voting machines. ( Computer experts around the country have offered to do this testing pro bono.) Contact the individual Boards of Elections in Ohio

6. Volunteer and/or send donations to Black Box Voting. This organization (founder, Bev Harris) is helping to investigate the 2004 election in Ohio, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and other states. Contact (Also, read Black Box Voting by Harris, available on the web, to learn more about our broken electoral process.)

7. Support State Senators Teresa Fedor and C. J. Prentiss in their demand for election reform.

[email protected]  (614) 466-5204

[email protected]  (614) 466-4857

8. Insist that Governor Bob Taft, US Senators Voinovich and DeWine support an investigation of the Ohio 2004 election, the recount, and a revote.

(614) 466-3555

(202) 224-3353

(202) 224-2315

9. Do the same with Ohio state senators and representatives.

10. Ask, and to help pursue the investigation of the Ohio election.

11. Write letters to the editor of local and national papers demanding that they cover the investigation and use the F word (fraud).

12. Contact both the Kerry campaign and the DNC to voice your disappointment that Senator Kerry is not living up to his promise that every vote will be counted. Say you expect his support for the effort to do this in Ohio.

(202) 224-2742

(202) 863-8000

13. Contact John Conyers (D.—Mich.), ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee on the Constitution, who has requested a congressional hearing on the 2004 election. Tell him that you support his request and want the hearing as soon as possible. (Tell your own members of Congress, too.) Email: [email protected] or write: Representative John Conyers, 2426 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC  20515-2214

14. Stay in touch with CASE ( and join their yahoo group by sending email to: [email protected])